
William Ledbetter

Biology '20

I have worked with various projects in the Rosenthal Lab for two years. Between collecting samples in Calnali, recording Morphometric data for Xiphophorus hybrids, and preparing samples for testing with wild turkeys. My future goals include applying to Medical School to start in Fall of 2022.

Stephanie Willey

I am a Wildlife and Fisheries Science and Renewable Natural Resources major and I am interested in wild game populations and ecological restoration

Briana Borgers

I am dual major in soil and crop science and animal science. I am passionate about animal welfare and research pertaining to the improvement of animal welfare.

Josselyne Saenz

I am a Biomedical Sciences Major who is interested evolutionary biology and neurosciences

Lex Salazar


I am a Biology major. I am interested in sexual selection and evolution of sexual signaling.

Jared Schlottman

Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences '20

I am a Wildlife and Fisheries Science major. I am interested in avian and mammal population research focusing on ecological and anthropomorphic effects on population size and breeding behaviors.

Aliyah Watts

Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences '19

Aliyah's research interests include psychology and studying the mitigating effects of macroalgae on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) as well as the symbiotic relationships between Giant clams, coral reefs and zooxanthellae.